Using enterprise grade products, we inventorize your assets and discover vulnerabilities at regular intervals. The length of these intervals depends on your infrastructure, the number of applications you have, and the business of your company. In any case, we will propose the solution that is best suited to your needs and your threat profile during our initial analysis.
As vulnerabilities are discovered, we rate them according to your environment and summarize them in a prioritized report containing a thorough business and technical description of the risk, its rating based on the severity and likeliness, finally, we provide you with advice for remediation in order to enable you to decide how to solve these issues in a risk approached way.
While we recognize that most companies who are security conscious have a Vulnerability Management process, we often notice that it either isn't implemented in an optimal way or that it doesn't receive sufficient senior management visibility and sponsorship. If you feel that your VM process could deliver more value to your organization, contact us and we'll be more than happy to help fine tune its implementation.
Patch Management: Patching broadly and quickly has become paramount when facing modern threats, yet, patching remains a major pain point in a lot of companies, either because of organizational or technical reasons. We can help you organize your patching in such a way that it will gain visibility from your senior management while challenging the technical teams in their testing and deployment.
Whatever your challenge is, we can help you, do not hesitate and drop us a line !
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